4 easy ways to make your vegetable garden flourish during a wet summer
Post by Robbie Cumming
Here in the UK we love our unpredictable weather and a wet summer is part of that. We love barbecueing indoors, picnicking on ground sheets and going to the office in our wellies. But our plants haven't loved the lower than normal temperatures and lack of sunlight, so we aren't able to enjoy the produce of our vegetable gardens as much as our dear friend Mr Slug (another matter entirely). But the question is - can we do anything about it?
The good news is - YES!
And being experts in plant protection (even if we say so ourselves) we have a pretty good idea of exactly which products will help you make the most of a poor summer.
Here are just 4 ways that you can make a world of difference in your garden NOW: Bell Cloches The main picture (above) shows my little garden - nothing is growing especially well, apart from the weeds, a self seeded Ash tree, and the herbs growing under my Victorian Bell Cloche. The vents are opened during rainy days and closed at night. The only thing you must remember is to lift the cloche right off your plants on hot sunny days. Otherwise they'll cook before you've even decided what recipe to use them in!
We sell Easy Tunnels - they're quick, easy and fairly inexpensive. But you can also make your own - go for it! Use your plant protection fabric of choice, bamboo hoops and ground pegs and it will last you for many seasons. Please note, it is really important to think about ventilation on sunny days. Humidity can become a problem, leading to mildew and various diseases. Scorching (if we get enough sun) is a problem too, and if you don't allow pollinating insects at your flowers, of course you won't get any fruit.
If you use a tunnel cloche you will ensure that your normal growing season is extended - that means you'll be able to harvest earlier and later in the year than anyone else.
Using mesh in the garden in summer is pretty standard nowadays - and essential if you want to keep the bugs off your edible crops. But it also makes the perfect shelter - from sun, wind and rain - letting in the right amounts of light, air and moisture.
If you are lucky enough to own one of these, you will probably be using it more often than usual due to the cool wet summer weather. Keep as many tender, non-indigenous fruit and vegetables (eg Tomatoes, Peppers and Beans) under glass. These plants need as much warmth and sunlight as they can get. If you are planning to grow climbing veg in your greenhouse because of the weather, then you might want to think about using a patio planter which you can move outside on sunny days. You might want to use a special planter dolly to help you though. Planters can get pretty heavy with all the soil, canes and fruit (fingers crossed!) If you don't have the space or simply can't afford a greenhouse, there are loads of lower cost options, including:
If you have any questions about how to deal with a wet summer or any of the methods or products featured in this blog post then please let us know. Use the comments section below.