5 More Ways to Extend Your Gardening Season

As the days grow shorter and the temperature drops, many plants begin to wind down for the year. If the weather has left you feeling like you have had a bad growing season then the right strategies now can offer you a second chance.  You can keep your garden thriving and enjoy fresh produce into autumn. If you’ve already tried some methods to extend your gardening season, here are five more techniques to help you get even more out of your garden. 

1) Plant Protection

Using Cloche Tunnels for Extended Protection

Cloches and tunnels are an excellent way to protect your plants from the first frosts and extend your growing season well into the autumn. These structures create a microclimate around your plants, trapping heat and shielding them from the elements.

Plant protection poly tunnelThe Haxnicks Easy Poly Tunnel is perfect for this. It’s simple to set up and can be easily moved around the garden as needed. The tunnel provides a warm, sheltered environment that helps crops like lettuce, carrots, and spinach continue to grow when the weather turns chilly. For even more protection, you might consider the Grower Frame, which offers additional height for taller plants and robust protection against wind and cold (you can also get an extra cover for it come summer to protect from insects).

2) Succession Planting

Keep Your Harvest Coming

Succession planting is a technique where you sow new seeds or plant new crops in intervals, ensuring a continuous harvest throughout the year. This method can be particularly useful in extending the gardening season because it allows you to keep growing as long as the weather permits.

plant protection seedling tunnel to extend growing season

For example, after harvesting summer crops, you can plant fast-growing, cold-tolerant vegetables like radishes, turnips, or winter greens. By planning your plantings in stages, you can make the most of your garden space and keep your beds productive..

To get started, Haxnicks Seedling Tunnels are a great tool. These tunnels protect young seedlings from harsh weather and pests, giving them a strong start and ensuring they’re ready to produce when older plants have finished their season. They are great for cut and come again winter salads. 

3) Mulching for Warmth

Keep the Garden Soil Warm and Productive

As soil temperatures drop plant growth slows down. Mulching is a simple yet effective way to keep the soil warm and extend the growing season. Mulching simply means laying something over the soil. Organic mulches, such as straw, leaf mould, or compost, act as an insulating layer, trapping heat in the soil and protecting plant roots from the cold.

Mulching keeps the soil warmer, but it also helps to retain moisture and suppress weeds, making your gardening efforts more effective.

4) Cold Frames

Extend the Growing Season Naturally

Plant Protection cold frame for protecting plants form frostCold frames are like mini-greenhouses that sit directly on the ground. They’re perfect for extending the growing season by protecting plants from frost and providing a warmer growing environment. Cold frames can be used to harden off seedlings in the spring, protect young plants in the autumn, or even overwinter hardy crops. The Haxnicks Lightbooster Cold Frame has a trick up its sleeve too - boosting the low light available late in the year to give your plants a better chance of success.  Check out our Light-Booster video to see how this works

Haxnicks’ Victorian Bell Cloches are an ideal cold frame alternative for individual plants or small groups of plants. They not only protect from frost but also enhance light penetration, promoting healthier and more vigorous growth. 

5) Overwintering Crops

Keep Growing Through Winter

Autumn vegetable garden brussel sproutsCertain hardy vegetables and herbs can be overwintered, meaning they continue to grow through the colder months or go dormant and resume growth in early spring. Crops like kale, Brussels sprouts, leeks, and parsley can withstand frost and even snow, giving you fresh produce in the depths of winter.

To successfully overwinter crops, it’s essential to protect them from the harshest conditions. A product like the Haxnicks Fleece Blanket is perfect for this task. It provides a layer of insulation, protecting your plants from frost, wind, and cold. You can cover your overwintering crops directly with the fleece or use it to line a cold frame for added warmth.


Extending your gardening season doesn’t have to be a complex or daunting task. With the right techniques and tools, you can enjoy fresh produce from your garden well beyond the traditional growing season. From using cloches and tunnels to succession planting and mulching, these methods will help you make the most of your garden, no matter what the weather throws your way. Happy autumn gardening!