Well this week I had planned a blog on sustainable watering which hardly seems appropriate as rain continues to fall and it feels more like a wet November than the height of summer!  So here is plan B as I am guessing , like me, you have quite a few tomato growing issues and some disgruntled tomato plants on your hands!

Excessive moisture can lead to a variety of problems, from fungal diseases to pests. Fear not, though! With the right knowledge and tools, many of these issues can be managed or even avoided altogether. Here are five tomato growing issues you might encounter in a wet summer and some tips on how to tackle them.

1) Blight

Tomato blight on Home grown tomatoes in the vegetable garden
Blight is one of the most common and devastating issues for tomato plants during a wet summer. It's caused by a fungus that thrives in damp conditions, leading to dark spots on leaves, stems, and fruits. If not controlled, it can wipe out entire crops.

How to avoid or remedy blight:

Proper Spacing

Ensure your tomato plants are well-spaced to allow for good air circulation. This helps leaves dry out faster after rain.

Haxnicks tomato tube preventing blight on tomato plants


Use a layer of mulch around the base of your plants to prevent soil from splashing onto the leaves, which can spread fungal spores.


Regularly prune the lower leaves and any that show signs of infection. Dispose of these leaves properly; don't compost them.


The Haxnicks Tomato Cloche will greatly reduce the chances of blight as plants are often infected by spores blown on the wind. By covering the plant right at the start there is less chance infection.

2) Root Rot

Excessive rain can lead to waterlogged soil, causing the roots of your tomato plants to rot. This can stunt plant growth and even kill the plant if not addressed quickly.

How to avoid or remedy root rot:

Well-Draining Soil

Make sure your soil is well-draining. If your garden soil is heavy clay, consider enriching it with compost or growing tomatoes in raised beds.

Choose the Right Pot

If you are growing in pots and planters then make sure that they have drainage holes.  Or grow in Vigoroot Planters.  Vigoroot is the perfect solution for a wet summer, this fabric is porous so provides excellent drainage and air pruning of roots, promoting healthier root systems and preventing them from getting waterlogged.

3) Blossom End Rot

Blossom end rot in tomato plants

Blossom end rot is a condition where the bottom of the tomato fruit turns black and rots. It's often caused by a calcium deficiency in the plant.  It is usually the result of too little water but if the roots are waterlogged this can also stop them absorbing calcium and result in blossom end rot taking hold.

How to avoid or remedy blossom end rot:

Consistent Watering

Maintain consistent moisture levels in the soil. Even during a wet summer, ensure the soil doesn’t dry out between heavy rain spells.

Calcium Supplements

Replace the calcium in your soil by mixing in crushed eggshells, lime, or gypsum around your plants.

4) Pest Infestations

Wet weather can encourage pests like slugs and snails, which love to feast on tender tomato plants. They can quickly become a significant problem if not controlled.

How to avoid or remedy pest infestations


slugs and snails near tomato plants

Regularly check your plants and handpick any slugs or snails you find.  Leave an upside down plant pot propped on a stone to provide a dark moist place for them to hide then dispose of them all the next morning. 

A night, or 'dawn patrol' is a good way to significantly reduce the number of slugs and snails in your garden. Just visit the garden while it is still dewey and pick them up and dispose of them.  


Use copper tape or a copper slug ring around the base of plants or pots to deter slugs and snails.

Or if you prefer them to die happy, use a beer trap to trap and dispose of them.  

5) Ripening Green Tomatoes

Ripening tomatoes when the sun hasn't shown its face has to be the biggest challenge of all.  Click over to our 5 Ways to Ripen Green Tomatoes blog to discover how to avoid an overload of green tomato chutney!

A wet summer can be a challenging time for growing tomatoes, but with the right strategies and equipment, you can still enjoy a bountiful harvest. From blight to pests, each issue has a solution that will help keep your tomato plants healthy and productive. 

How has your tomato growing been this year?