Here is the start of our gardening glossary.  If there are any terms that you are curious about the aren't on here at the moment then do drop comment below and we will add it to the blog.  

 Adventitious roots

Adventitious roots are plant roots that form from any nonroot tissue.  They are commonly found in tomato plants and are produced both during normal development for example in nodal roots on strawberry plants or in response to stress like too few nutrients, excess water or plant damage.  If you have ever had a tomato plant that has fallen over and then somehow rerooted itself then it will be the adventitious roots that have been in play.

Annual Plants

Plants that complete their life cycle, including germination, flowering, seed production, and death, within one growing season. Annual plants typically need to be replanted each year. Examples include marigolds, zinnias, and sunflowers.

Blossom End Rot

This is a condition caused by a lack of calcium in crops like aubergines, peppers and tomatoes.  It appears as dark circular patch on the ends of the fruit where the flower was.  It is caused by underwatering so that the calcium avaiable in the soil doesn't get delivered to the end of the fruits.  

Companion planting 

Companion planting is where two or more crops are grown together for the benefit of one, or all. It is a great way to deter pests without using chemicals - click through to see our Top 5 Tips for Companion Planting


Decomposed organic matter used to improve soil fertility and texture. Adding compost to your garden beds can help your plants grow healthier and stronger.

Cover crop

A type of plant grown to improve soil health by adding nutrients, suppressing weeds, and preventing erosion. Cover crops can help build healthy soil and prepare your garden beds for future planting.

Drip irrigation

A watering system that delivers water directly to plant roots through a network of tubes and emitters. Drip irrigation can help conserve water and prevent soil erosion, while ensuring your plants get the moisture they need.


A substance added to soil to provide essential nutrients to plants. Using the right type of fertilizer can help your plants grow stronger and produce more fruits or vegetables.


A type of vegetable or fruit that has been passed down through generations, often with unique traits and flavors. Growing heirloom varieties can add diversity and interest to your garden and plate.

Hardening off

The process of acclimating seedlings to outdoor conditions before transplanting them into the garden. Gradually exposing your seedlings to outdoor conditions can help them adjust and grow stronger.Hardening off helps prevent transplant shock and prepares seedlings for the harsher conditions of the garden.

Leggy seedlings 

Seedlings that have grown too tall and thin due to lack of sunlight or overcrowding. Leggy seedlings can become weak and floppy, and may not develop properly. To prevent leggy seedlings, provide adequate light and space for your plants.


A layer of material (such as straw, leaves, or wood chips) spread on top of the soil to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. Applying mulch around your plants can help keep the soil moist and prevent weeds from growing.

No Dig

Put simply ‘No dig’ is exactly that - a means of gardening without digging over the plot each year which leads to imroved soil quality and less back ache. It is a passion of award winning expert and writer Charles Dowding who runs courses on his farm in Somerset. To find out if it is right for you check out this blog Is No Dig right for me?

Organic gardening

A method of gardening that avoids synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, and instead focuses on building healthy soil and using natural pest control methods. Organic gardening can help produce healthier, more nutritious vegetables while reducing the impact on the environment.

Perennial Plants
Plants that live for more than two years, usually regrowing from the same roots year after year. Perennial plants may go through dormancy in winter but return in the spring. Examples include roses, hostas, and peonies.

Pest control

The practice of preventing or reducing damage caused by insects, rodents, and other pests. Using natural pest control methods, such as companion planting, crop rotation, and insect-repelling plants, can help protect your plants without harming the environment.


A measure of soil acidity or alkalinity. Understanding the pH level of your soil is important for choosing the right plants and fertilizers for your garden.Companion planting - the practice of planting certain crops together to maximize growth and pest control. Pairing certain plants can help deter pests, improve soil health, and increase yield.

Pinching out

The process of removing the tip of a plant stem or the topmost leaves to promote branching and bushiness. Pinching out can help control the height and shape of a plant and encourage it to produce more flowers or fruits.

Pricking out

The process of separating individual seedlings from a seed tray or container and planting them in individual pots or cells. Pricking out allows each seedling to have enough space to grow and develop properly.

Raised bed 

A garden bed that is elevated off the ground and enclosed by a frame. Raised beds can help improve drainage and soil quality, and make gardening easier for those with mobility issues.


Rootrainers are innovative planting cells you can use to grow all sorts of vegetables, fruit and flowers from seed.  They are the perfect start for nearly all plants and especially those with deep roots that are sensitive to disturbance like sweet peas and beans.  Find out more here How to use Rootrainers 


Young plants that have just sprouted from seeds. Starting your own seedlings indoors before transplanting them into your garden can give your plants a head start and help them grow more quickly.

Soil Types

Clay soil

Soil that contains a high proportion of fine mineral particles, such as clay, silt, and sand. Clay soil tends to be heavy, compacted, and slow-draining, which can make it difficult for plants to grow. To improve clay soil, you can add organic matter, such as compost, and work it into the soil to improve its texture and drainage.

Loam soil

Soil that contains a balanced mixture of sand, silt, and clay particles, along with organic matter. Loam soil is generally considered the ideal soil type for gardening, as it has good drainage, good moisture retention, and is rich in nutrients. Many vegetables and fruits grow well in loam soil.

Soil pH

A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of soil, ranging from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. Most vegetables prefer soil pH levels that range from slightly acidic to neutral (between 6.0 and 7.0). However, some plants, such as blueberries, prefer more acidic soil, while others, such as asparagus, prefer slightly alkaline soil. Testing your soil pH can help you determine if your soil is suitable for the plants you want to grow, and allow you to make any necessary adjustments to the soil pH using additives or amendments.

Succession Planting

thisiswhen you stagger your seed planting, so instead of planting the whole packet of seeds, plant enough to fill your bed and then 2 to 3 weeks later repeat.  This has the huge advantage that you don’t end up with a glut of one particular crop. 


Stratification of seeds involves mixing the seed with a moist medium and keeping warm and/or cold for a certain time before sowing. This simulates a the drop in temperature that they would naturally get in Winter, triggering them to grow as if Spring had arrived. This stratification can often be achieved placing seeds in moist paper towels in the fridge.    


The process of loosening and turning over soil with a tool, such as a tiller or shovel. Tilling can help prepare soil for planting by breaking up compacted soil and incorporating organic matter.


Moving a plant from one location to another. Transplanting seedlings into your garden can help them grow more quickly and produce more fruits or vegetables.
This is a work in progress that will be updated from time to time so please bookmark it so that you always have it to refer to. and please comment below if there are any terms you didn't find but would like us to add.



An air pruning fabric that gives a fundamentally different and better root system. It also means if you use a planter made from Vigoroot you can grow fruit and vegetables in a much smaller pot and your plants will never become pot bound. Check out this video to see more Vigoroot Pots & Planters 


Xeriscaping is the process of landscaping, or gardening, that reduces or eliminates the need for irrigation.  It involves replacing grassy lawns with soil, rocks, mulch, and drought-tolerant native plant species
Please let us know any terms you would like us to add to the Gardening Glossary
Sarah Talbot