Do you fancy growing your own little lemon tree? If you do, you'll need quite a bit of patience. From planting your pip, it will take around 3 years before it flowers and fruits. But then the effort you put in to grow a lemon tree will be rewarded with delightful perfumed white flowers, glossy green leaves and brightly coloured fruit.
One key thing you will need, if you want to grow your own lemon trees in the UK, is some indoor space. Lemon trees can go outside in summer but need to be inside all winter. Ideally an unheated conservatory as they love light and don't like central heating.
What variety of Lemon Tree to Choose
If you want to buy a tree rather than planting lemons from seed, then you need to buy the right one. Pot grown lemon trees will never get as large as those grown in the ground. But it is still best to choose a dwarf variety for growing lemons in containers. "Improved Meyer" or "Ponderosa," are good varieties to choose. Most dwarf trees only reach 1–1.5m (3–5ft) tall in a pot.
If you are trying to grow lemons from seed the first thing to do is to find a lemon that has pips as these days not all of them do (this was discovered the hard way when trying to film my little lemon planting Reel!) Once you have a lemon with pips in I am afraid that there is no way to tell if the tree it came from was a dwarf one. Dwarf lemon trees produce full size fruits (who knew?) So, you will just have to take your chances with your pip and see what size tree you get!
The good news is that lemon trees are self-fertile, so a single plant is able to produce fruit. So no need for a lemon orchard!
What pot to use for a Lemon Tree
When you grow a lemon tree in a pot, the first thing you need to get right is the drainage. Lemon trees do not like waterlogged roots, so don't fall for a pretty pot with no drainage holes!
For small trees, a 30cm (12") diameter container is a good place to begin. As your trees grow you will need to gradually increase the size of the pot to eventually 45cm to 60cm (18" to 24").
Any pot material will do - plastic, metal, ceramic and terracotta are all suitable but remember you will need to move it. A pot full of compost, complete with tree, will be heavy, and decorative pots such as terracotta will add weight.
Planting a Lemon seed
Start with a lemon, a warm, sunny windowsill - your little lemon will want at least eight full hours of light per day as it grows - and a small pot.
There are specially formulated citrus composts but any potting medium will work. Add to it up to 20% sharp sand or grit to ensure good drainage.
How to plant a lemon pip
Fill your pot with the compost mix and moisten until it is damp. You can also do this in Rootrainers for super strong roots - Deep Rootrainers will be fine as the tree will not get large.
Prep your lemon seed by removing all of the pulp from its surface just before you are ready to plant. The easy way to do this is to suck it.
Whilst the seed is still moist, plant about 1 1/2 cm (1/2") deep and cover.
Spray the soil again with water - place the pot in a clear plastic bag with a few holes punched in the top. And put it in your warm, sunny location.
Spray on more water occasionally, not allowing the soil to dry out.
The seedling should emerge after about 2 weeks. At this point you can take it out of the plastic bag.
Look after it by keeping the soil damp and by giving it organic fertiliser. Watch over it to ensure it is not attacked by bugs or diseases. Prune off any dead leaves when necessary.
Repotting Lemons
Whether you have a tree or a seedling you will need to repot it each year around March time. As with most plants it is good to go up the pot sizes gradually so don't jump from a 3" to a 18" in one go. The procedure for repotting is much the same as that outlined above for planting a seed. If you can't repot - it will get trickier as your lemon tree gets bigger - then at least refresh the pot by replacing the top 5cm (2") of growing medium with fresh compost.
Growing Lemons in Vigoroot
Lemon Trees grow well in Vigoroot pots because they air prune the roots of the plant. This means that they never get pot bounding . You can start them in a 5L pot.
But Vigoroot pots aren't the prettiest so if you want to use one indoors then you may want to put it in a decorative pot. If you do this then ensure that there is at least an inch gap all round so that the roots can air prune. And also put some big stones in the bottom. This will allow your lemon tree to grow in a much smaller volume of compost than in a standard pot. It will also ensure that it keeps fruiting in years to come. Fruit trees will stop fruiting if they become pot bound and this is often irreversible.
Check out this blog for How to Care for a lemon tree and discover how to feed it, when and how to prune your lemon tree, how to harvest lemons and what lemon tree pests and diseases to look out for.
Hi Nick, so glad we have inspired you! Very impressed you managed to grow a mango so we have high hopes for your citrus adventure! Do come back and tell us how you get on. We also have another blog ‘How to Care for your lemon tree in the UK’ so, once your tree is established, maybe have a read of that one too?
I have been into gardening, both indoors and outdoors, all of my life, yet I have never tried oranges or lemons. I often grow from seeds and have grown avacados, dates, lychees, mangos and other things, yet never tried citrus. Today I am inspired to try these. I have picked up a few tips here and look forwards to seeing what happens in 2025 on my windowsill.
You are welcome – hope you had a good one.
Thank you so much for your speedy reply- Happy Christmas 🎄
It is the essential oils in the leaves that carry the citrus scent and the concentration of these oils can vary between leaves on the same tree. The amount of essential oils depends on factors like leaf maturity, sunlight exposure, and the tree’s overall health; younger leaves and those receiving more direct sunlight tend to have a stronger lemon scent. so maybe your friend is keeping it somewhere where it gets less light? If not maybe it is more stressed for some reason such as irregular watering. Or it could be that if you try a different leaf you will get a different result!
A friend has grown two little lemon trees from seeds of a single lemon, and kindly given me one tree. If I rub a leaf of mine between finger and thumb, it leaves quite a strong citrus scent. However, leaves of my friend’s tree leave no such scent. A puzzle! Your comment will be appreciated please.
Hi guys!! Quick question. I have a lemon tree in the conservatory since end of Sept! Have given it westlands citrus mix, couple of inches of worm castings and a small amount of volcanic rock soil. Fed it the other day with a mix of seaweed extract and molasses. We have a south facing wall so plenty of light. Bought a voile to stop the new growth getting sunburn and try to mist when I remember! Have the root ball pot wrapped in a cotton cover off the floor on a wooden stand. Feel as if I’ve done everything I can but now the new growth leaves are starting to curl inwards and now I’m.afrraid I’m.gonna lose all that hard work I’ve put in. Conservatory temp is around 16-20 c all day. Closed the windows in there lately just in case the breeze is stressing it out. Feel like this thing is like looking after a baby almost🍋🙈🙈 Any advice guys?
Hi Robert, it is not uncommon for lemon trees to put on growth (leaves and fruits) that are red in response to higher light levels – its a natural sunscreen that protects the plant. However, at this time of year it seems an unlikely explanation. It is more likely that producing fruit means that it is using up its store of nutrients and needs a good feed. Try doubling the dose of citrus feed for the next couple of feeds. A balanced citrus feed will contain plenty of nitrogen along with trace elements including iron, manganese, calcium and boron that will support this new activity.
My lemon tree has finally recovered after about a year. Plenty of fruits stems are now showing after the petals have fallen away, Most of the fruit stems are swelling and are a purple colour, is this normal or should they be green?
Hi Meryl
How you prune really depends on what shape lemon tree you want to end up with. If you want a long tall tree with an ornamental ball of lemon leaves then you can prune all of the leaves on the lower stem and leave the top so that it continues to gain height. However, if you would prefer a more bush like shape (so the lemons are easier to reach to pick) then you can pinch out the top, and leave any leaves that start to form on the stem so that it bushes out. I hope that this is helpful.
I have a lemon tree 3yrs old grown from a pip. It’s single stork with healthy leaves but is now around 3ft tall but still single stem with new leaves continuing to develop at of stem. Should I continue to let it grow in height or would it be beneficial to prick out the top? Advice appreciated
We have a small Meyer lemon tree in a pot indoors, but are going away for most of April. What will give it the best chance of surviving — putting the pot outdoors, or giving it plenty of water and keeping it indoors? Thank you.
Hello Harry, not yet it might be another year before it needs pinching out otherwise you will have a very small tree. One tip to remember when you do decide to do it , is that pinching out needs to be done in summer when the tree is actively growing, Check out our other lemon tree blog for further tips on caring for your lemon tree.
Hi, we have a lemon tree grown from a pip, it’s a single stem, healthy and new leaves being produced at the top. Its about 35cm tall. There are no side branches showing, should the new top growth be nipped off to promote side shoots?
Hello Bob, where are the shoots coming from? If they are coming out low down on the stem below the graft then definitely remove them as they will sap the plant’s strength. Even if they are higher we would be inclined to pinch these back to allow the plant to concentrate its energy on the fruit. Many plants have been fooled into putting on growth by the warmer than usual autumn temperatures and a sudden drop will come as a nasty surprise to them. We do hope this helps and you get lovely lemons!
My lemon tree has been on holiday in a sunny spot in the garden until last week when I bought it inside.
It has several green lemons on it and looks pretty healthy, but I am now seeing loads of new shoots and flower buds all over it.
Should I leave it to do its thing, or should I pinch the shoots out?
Hi Catherine, I am afraid that patience is needed! Lemons can take up to 9 months to ripen. They don’t ripen like other fruit but slowly mature and get sweeter. There are other things apart from time that might stop it ripening though. It needs lots of sunlight (a bit lacking this year!) Try pruning a few of the leaves off around the fruit and turn it so the fruit is facing the light. Also keep the watering regular so the tree isn’t stressed at any point. Hope that helps!
Good morning and thanks for the great information. I bought a lemon tree which had one green fruit back in March, kept it in the conservatory and put it outside mid June, the leaves appear to be bushier but the fruit hasn’t changed at all, how long does it take to turn yellow please and is it a gradual change through the colours over months or more instant, we live in the North West!
Hi Hilary, It pains me to say it but your husband is right! It could really sap your trees strength not to mention break the branches if there are too many fruits. So it is best to thin them out. That way you will have fewer bigger fruits rather than many smaller ones.
HI, my pot grown lemon tree has a lot of fruit which is weighing down some of the branches. My husband thinks I should thin out the fruit to avoid putting the tree under stress. What would you advise?
Its a pleasure Patrick – hope you have success growing your first lemon!
Thankyou very much for your information on growing and caring for the lemon tree very helpful