We are finally heading towards spring; temperatures are increasing, and the days are beginning to lengthen. A large selection of seeds can be sown this month some of which can be sown directly into the ground. Read on to find out what to plant in March.
Vegetables to be sown directly in March
Beetroot can be sown directly now as it will germinate in low temperatures. Sow seed in shallow drills and cover with a fine layer of soil or compost.
Sow batches of spring onion seed now about 1/2 cm deep in rows about 15cm apart, don’t sow thickly and you won’t need to thin the onions. They should be ready for harvesting about two months after each sowing.
Potatoes can be grown in the ground or in planters. For top tips read our earlier potato growing blog.
Other tasty green such as winter salads, spinach, kale and cauliflower can all be sown now into Rootrainers and placed on a bright windowsill to encourage germination.
Vegetables to be sown indoors in March
Chillies and herbs (including chives, mint and coriander) can be sown into

pots now and placed on a windowsill or in a greenhouse until frost has passed.
Sweet peppers still need warmth. So if you want to plant in March they are best started in pots and kept on a warm windowsill or a heated greenhouse.
Tomatoes can be sown now in Rootrainers and covered with a propagation lid until seedlings begin to appear. They require moist and peat-free multi-purpose compost.
For what to plant next month check out our April Planting