What are microgreens?

Microgreens are tiny, edible, immature veg plants. They grow from seed and ready to eat in just a few weeks and are satisfyingly quick to grow. They need very little space or equipment and are great for beginners or urban gardeners.

You can eat both the leaves and stems and harvest them simply with scissors or snips as and when you need them.

Microgreens are packed with a higher percentage of nutrients than their more mature versions and are not to be confused with sprouts. Sprouts are generally grown in a jar and are germinated seeds that are eaten root, seed and shoot. .

Which seeds to choose?

Most of the veg you would normally grow in the garden such as beetroot, broccoli, chard, cauliflower, cabbage, salad greens, herbs etc can be grown as microgreens. You can buy specific microgreen seeds which are sold in most garden centres. This is a good place for beginners to start as they are specifically designed for easy, successful growing and often contain a colour coordinated mix which will look good too. 

How to sow Microgreens

The Haxnicks Bamboo Seed tray and Microgreen Mats  are the perfect combination for growing microgreens and both products are entirely plastic free. The Microgreen Mats are made from coir fibre with natural latex and is biodegradable and compostable. Follow the step by step growing guide below:

  1. Sprinkle the seeds evenly onto the Microgreen Mats
  2. Water lightly or mist if you have a suitable sprayer.
  3. Place it on a warm, sunny (ideally south facing) windowsill in direct sunlight. If the weather is not too warm then you may wish to cover with a piece of glass or clear plastic to encourage germination.
  4. Mist or water the mat once or twice a day, depending on the temperature, to keep it moist not wet. Sprouts should appear within around four to seven days. Continue to water once or twice daily.
  5. Once the seeds have sprouted, remove the cover (if you used one.) Continue to mist once or twice a day.

To find out more about Microgreens Mat and to see it in action watch the video below.

Nicola Wallis


Don’t forget to soak the mat first.

— Starz