What is Birdscare?
It is a chemical free way to deter birds from stealing your fruit & veg crops. This highly innovative product has been used by commercial herb growers for many years as a harmless way to protect crops. It works by vibrating in the slightest wind which emits a gentle hum and flickering of light, enough to keep birds and other animals away from your precious crops.
What crop are they for?
It can be used to protect your crop from any birds including a variety of vegetables, brassicas, soft fruits and herbs.

Where can I use them?
Birdscare can be used to protect any crop in any location. It is simple and easy to set up needing only to be wound around garden stakes 30cm above the crop. By stretching and twisting the humming line as it is wrapped around the stakes ensures that birds are deterred from multiple angles.
What's so special about it?
- It is pesticide free and organic
- Birdscare is harmless to both crops and birds and is far safer than bird deterrent netting which sometimes results in birds getting caught and injured.
- It is also a favourite for yacht owners to keep the seagulls away!
What do Gardeners think about Birdscare?
We have had reports from Spain telling that it has been the best thing for keeping wild boar off the crops - Tales from St. Tropez claiming that nothing keeps a yacht more free from seagulls and their droppings - and also praise from the gardens of England. One of which I've pasted below for you to see. Birdscare really works...
Birdscare even stops herons!
Here's a letter I received from Warwickshire:
Hi, I must let you know about this item. Do you realise you can make a fortune with this stuff. We have had a heron problem for over 3 years and lost a lot of fish/frogs and tried EVERYTHING to no avail, the thing keeps coming back for the restocked stuff. I love wildlife so would never hurt it BUT really was a real pain. We put netting, old tyres supporting canes, fruit netting, poles suspending even more netting. It looked like a rubbish tip on speed. What a sight - AND we couldn't see what we had left. He still got in - under - through and even on. We put on this line (with some scepticism!) and were stunned. Not only did it WORK but it WORKED immediately. Down he came, cocked head on one side, took a look/listen/see and WENT without even coming close. We have watched for nearly 3 weeks now - he came back twice but we have not seen him since! Only snag is we are scared it will break in really high winds we have sometimes. But nevertheless we are DELIGHTED. You should tell ALL. Tx
So if you're being hunted by wild boar, (or even if you just want to keep your plants unpecked), take a look at the Birdscare Humming Line.
Find out more:
See it in action: To see it in action head over to our YouTube channel:
Buy it Now: See the full range here