What is StrimGuard :

StrimGuard is a unique product that addresses a specific need to protect trees from the age old problem of strimmer damage. It is important to clear long grass and weeds from around the base of young trees. Otherwise they can sap nutrients from the plant and make it hard for the tree to get established. However strimming back grass and weed growth frequently results in accidental damage to the bark. If the bark is damaged then this compromises the flow of water and nutrients to the upper part of the sapling. It can also leave open wounds which make the plant vulnerable to infection and mould.
Where can I use it:
Use it around the trunk of any young trees. Simply wrap it around the foot of the tree and secure by clipping the ends together to provide vital protection against nylon strimmer wires, mice and other nibblers! It comes in a pack of three and can be left in place on the trunk all season. If you have a lot of trees though you could alwasy move it between trees when mowing.
What's so special about it?
Existing tree guards are not tough enough to withstand strimmer attacks! This is specifically designed so you can strim with abandon to within an inch of the tree.
Find out more:
See it in action: To see it in action head over to our YouTube channel StrimGuard
Related Blogs: Read about it in use Grow at Home:Nuts! Whole Hazelnuts
Buy it Now: See the full range here StrimGuard