What are Rapid Rootrainers:

Rootrainers are innovative planting cells. And Rapid Rootrainers are a shorter version for plants that don't have very long roots. They are the perfect start for nearly all plants and especially those that are sensitive to disturbance. INot only is it great for the plants but it means that you don't waste compost filling space the roots won't need. The Rapid Rootrainers have 32 cells whilst the Compact Rapid Rootrainers have 20 cells for gardeners who want to grow slightly less. Like all Rootrainers they come in openable 'books' so that the seedlings can be planted on without disturbing the roots. The cells fit snuggly into a tray and there is a clear plastic lid that can be Root structure from Rapid Rootrainers cell. by Haxnicksused as a drip tray to water and then flipped over to turn the set up into a mini propegator.
What crop are they for:

Rapid Rootrianers are ideal for bedding plants, salads and herbs, seeds, seedlings and cuttings. They require less compost than ordinary pots. Deep Rootrainers are also available for deep rooted plants like beans, peas and sweet peas. And Maxi Rootrainers are the biggest in the range, used for growing broad leaved trees.
Where can I use them:
They are great for the greenhouse, a window cill or with the lid on they can act as a mini-greenhouse if you want to use them outside.
What's so special about them?

Strong straight roots are a fundamental requirement of healthy and successful growth. The rectangular shape provides a greater surface area and the grooves allow more roots to develop on the outside of the plug. Plants are also easily extracted from the ‘open books’ without root disturbance providing the perfect plug plants. Rootrainers are well known and well loved by horticulturalists, commercial growers and all the best gardeners.
Find out more:
See it in action: To see it in action head over to our YouTube channel Rootrainers
Related Blogs: Read about it in use Rootrainers What size cell to use or Grow at Home: Container Gardening
Buy it Now: See the full range here Rootrianers