How about a carrot recipe? Anyone in the mood for a little carroty creativity?
I think that I have pulled up the perfect purple carrot (and created a new tongue twister) ! I was so excited by my first harvest! They were such beautiful specimens that with the speed and greed of Peter Rabbit I immediately munched my way through the first two. Mud and all! Savouring their flavour and satisfyingly carroty crunch. However, as the greatest joy of growing your own veg is in sharing and showing them off with family and friends then I felt that a feast was called for. But how to decide what to make?
On a hot July day (there was one I promise), I did not want to be anywhere near a hot stove. I also wanted to preserve the just picked carroty crunch. So I felt that a hearty salad would be the perfect way to show off these pretty purple prizes. Here is my own recipe for a quick, tasty and filling carrot based salad. It looks pretty and is so healthy that you can gorge on it like a rabbit in a carrot patch!
Bulgar wheat, purple carrot and feta salad (serves 4 ) 200g bulgar wheat, cooked in salted water until tender, 200g roughly chopped Feta Cheese 2 to 4 finely chopped purple carrots ( dep on size) Fresh chopped parsley and chives French dressing Black pepper Prepare the ingredients. Don't forget to marvel at the rainbow of colours inside your purple carrots! once you have done all the chopping then assemble the salad in a pretty dish. Let friends and family admire, and guzzle as if Mr McGregor is round the corner!