Here are 10 things you might not have known that might encourage you to either start growing potatoes in containers, or if you already grow them in the ground, to switch to growing in containers instead.

  1. Vigoroot Potato/Tomato Planter pack shot

    Perfect for Small Space Gardens
    An obvious one to start. Growing potatoes in a potato planter or other large garden planter is ideal for people with limited gardening space, such as those living in flats or homes with small gardens. It is also an easy starter crop if you are new to gardening so great for kids and those starting out.  So if you don't have space to grow potatoes or you do and space on it is at a premium give Potato Planters a go.

  2. Growing in Containers Reduced Risk of Pests and Diseases
    Garden planters and Containers give you a more trouble free potato growing experience as they help minimise soil-borne pests like wireworms and diseases like blight, as you can control the soil and environment.

  3. Earlier Potato crop due to Improved Soil Temperature
    Containers warm up more quickly in spring than ground soil, which can give your potatoes an early start. So you can get going earlier and be harvesting your own new potatoes rather than paying a fortune for the first Jersey Royals.

  4. Minimal Weeding Required and Digging eliminated!
    Weeding is minimal when you plant potatoes in planters, as you’re starting with fresh, weed-free soil or compost. And the prep you would have to do to grow potatoes in the ground - weeding the plot, digging trenches, working in manure - is completely eliminated.

  5. Get optimal soil for Growing Potatoes 

    Potato flower

    You can get the perfect soil mix for potatoes by either buying it or combining compost, garden soil, and well-rotted manure to promote healthy growth. The right container also typically offers better drainage than compacted garden soil, which helps prevent waterlogging and rot.

  6. Portable Growing Option
    Containers can be moved to follow sunlight or protect plants from unexpected frost. This gives you more flexibility to start earlier and have home grown potatoes for most of the year.

  7. Easier to get Higher Yields without extra effort
    Earthing up is much easier when growing in containers.  There is no digging needed for trenches or risk of your mounded up soil being eroded.
    Earthing up in containers involves loading soil into the container around the potato plants, and results in more tubers forming along the buried stems, increasing your harvest. Check out this potato growing guide to learn how to earth up. 

  8. Requires Less Water
    Potatoes in containers need less water than those in the ground, but consistent moisture is key for preventing misshapen tubers.

  9. Container Growing gives an Early Harvest

    Haxnicks Garden Potato Planter with mature potato plants growing in it

    Container-grown potatoes often mature faster than those grown in the ground, meaning you can enjoy new potatoes earlier in the season. If you choose the Haxnicks Potato Planters then they come in a pack of 3 so you can plant them in succession to ensure a supply all season long.

  10. Easier Harvesting
    Harvesting potatoes from containers is straightforward—just dump the soil out and pick the tubers, rather than digging them up. and you won't miss any in containers leaving the potential for disease to be spread to the following year.

We hope this has inspired you to grow your own potatoes.  We offer two sorts of potato planters.

Haxnicks Potato Planters - a three pack of Potato Planters with drainage holes and sturdy handles to allow them to be moved easily. These reusable garden planters can be folded flat for storage and used year after year.    


Vigoroot Potato/Tomato Vegetable Planter with potatoes leaves hanging out of it. Next to a brick wall

Haxnicks Vigoroot Potato Planters -Vigoroot  planters are breathable plant pots made from a special air pruning fabric. These sustainable plant pots are made from recycled bottles and offcuts from the clothing industry so are great for those wanting to build environmentally friendly gardens.   It requires a little more watering but will reward you with up to a 30% bigger yield of potatoes. 

Whichever potato planter you choose, click through to our step by step guide to Growing Potatoes in Pots, Planters and Containers. for all you need to know about growing potatoes.