Grow At Home
10 reasons to Plant potatoes in Planters not the Ground
Here are 10 reasons to use potato planters to grow potatoes that you might not know. Click through to see why growing potatoes in containers is so much better than...
How to Grow Beetroot - from sowing seeds to harvesting
Growing Beetroot Beetroot are easy to grow and ideal for anyone new to vegetable gardening. Most people think of it as a pickled salad vegetable. The young leaves can be...
How to Grow your own Maca Root in containers
Maca, also known as Peruvian ginseng, is a versatile and nutritious root vegetable ideally suited to growing in the UK. Great for your edible garden, tiny gardens, balconies or anyone wil...
How to Grow Turnips from seed (plus are they the same as swedes?)
Turnips are an easy to grow crop to grow at home. And if you've been put off by the flavourless shop bought version, you may be pleasantly surprised by what...
Exploring the rhizosphere: how to grow trouble free onion sets
Rootrainers are what I've chosen for years to grow overwintering onion sets, garlic and spring planted onion sets. Onion sets (small immature onions) allow me to have onions all year...
December Edition: Grow your Christmas dinner vegetables
Time to Harvest your Christmas Dinner Vegetables Harvest your leeks a week or so before Christmas by lifting gently with a fork, either as pencil thin baby leeks or as...
June Edition: Grow your Christmas dinner
Another month has passed us by, and the worst of the weather and last frost should have, hopefully, been and gone. Temperatures and daylight hours increase this month meaning lots...
May Edition: Grow your Christmas dinner
Since sowing the first of the Christmas vegetable seeds back in April lots of exciting developments should have happened and now plants some can be transplanted outside or to their...
Vegetable Gardening: How to Grow Mooli or White radish
Mooli is a type of radish, also known as white radish, daikon or Oriental radish. It is popular with both gardeners and cooks in China and Japan. It is very easy...
April Edition: Grow your Christmas dinner
It may seem like a lifetime away and with summer approaching, the last thing you want to think about, but now is the time to start sowing seeds of certain...
Five Ways to get Free Plants wherever you are
Gardening can be an expensive hobby and in these economic times mean we need to find ways to save money. Experienced gardeners often have thrifty ways of increasing their plant...
How to Protect Carrots from Carrot Fly
Carrot fly is a bug which lays their eggs in the soil around carrots. The adult carrot fly is approximately 9mm long. It is a slender, metallic, greenish-black fly with...