Grow At Home
How to Grow Komatsuna or Mustard Spinach
Have you heard of komatsuna? Sometimes known as mustard spinach or Japanese mustard spinach, it is a very hardy leafy winter green. If you are a fan of oriental brassicas...
The best way to grow Endive
How to Grow Endive Endive is a really great ingredient to be used for salads or as greens. It comes in two types. An upright Batavian or escarole with larger...
How to grow your own organic fruit orchard
An orchard gives you a variety of your own organic fruit which can include a variety of that isn’t readily available in shops as they are regarded unsuitable for mass...
Product Bite: Instant Raised Bed Patio Planter’s
What are Instant Raised Bed Patio Planter’s? They are an instant raised bed that offers an ideal opportunity for any gardener to create their own patio allotment at an affordable price. They are...
How to Plant a Hedge
Hedges are something you might want to think about before you put your gardening feet up for the year. Everyone should have hedge ambitions – they can work whatever your...
Planting seeds in Autumn - what you can plant from October onward.
Did you know that you could plant seeds in the autumn? Most won't do much over winter but get your timing right and you will have much earlier fruit, vegetables...
Bonfires and the law: what are the rules?
Its that time of year when the garden needs a good tidy. The leaves are beginning to fall from the trees. Plus most summer vegetable have been harvested and its...
Tomato Blight & how to tell if Sweetcorn is ripe - September gardening tips from Pippa Greenwood
Gardening expert Pippa Greenwood helps with Autumn gardening tips including how to discover if your sweetcorn is ripe, what to do about Tomato Blight and what vegetables you can plant...
Beginners Guide to growing Cherry Trees
Cherry trees are arguably the prettiest of spring blossom trees. There are around a thousand varieties of cherry tree - five hundred Sweet Cherries and five hundred Sour Cherries (also...
Fresh Peas how to grow, care for and harvest
How to grow peas at home, Right from sowing to harvesting including how to support your growing pea crop.
Tips and Tricks: Seed Germination the basics
Gardening tips and tricks: seed growing. Want improve your seed germination success rate? Learn about the Germination Triangle and how to balance it to get a higher germination rate when...
Winter Vegetable Garden - how and when to plant winter veg
Now the main growing season is nearly over I'm sure you - especially if you are new to veg growing - are wondering what to plant now. Well, winter veg...