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Lots of slices of cut watermelon grown from seed filling the frame

How to grow watermelons from seed in the UK

The best time to plant watermelon seeds is late May but if you wait until then you risk them not ripening.  Read on for to discover how to get the...
Nicola Wallis
How to grow Broad Beans of fava beans in the Garden

How to grow Broad Beans of fava beans in the Garden

Broad bean growing can be started early and they are easy to grow. Discover how and when to plant broad bean seeds to get a bumper crop from your vegetable...
Nicola Wallis
A Guide to Growing tomatoes in pots and planters

A Guide to Growing tomatoes in pots and planters

If you are growing tomatoes from seed then this blog is jam packed with gardening tips to help your tomato plants thrive and ensure a massive crop of juicy home...
Nicola Wallis
How to grow garlic - find the best way to grow garlic

How to Grow Garlic

The first decicion to make is whether to plant hardneck garlic or softneck garlic.  Read on to discover the difference and our tips and tricks for planting both types of...
Nicola Wallis
Choosing the Right Rootrainer

Choosing the Right Rootrainer

What are Rootrainers? Rootrainers are planting cells that have been used by professional growers for decades. Their three main advantages are: Plant roots are Air Pruned resulting in stronger healthier...
Sarah Talbot
How to Grow Blueberries in Pots in the UK

How to Grow Blueberries in Pots in the UK

Imagine having fresh blueberries in your garden.  This handy guide to growing  blueberries in containers will help you start growing a blueberry plant.  So whether you want to pick up...
Sarah Talbot
3 Greenhouse Alternatives - which is right for you?

3 Greenhouse Alternatives - which is right for you?

Looking for greenhouse alternatives to start your vegetable garden or flower garden earlier? Click here to discover 3 ways to transform your garden experience. 
Sarah Talbot
April Planting: Fruit and vegetables to plant in April

April Planting: Fruit and vegetables to plant in April

April is a busy time of year for growing vegetables in the UK with lots of seeds, sown earlier in the year, now needing to be transplanted and others to...
Nicola Wallis
Haxnicks Gardening tips how to grow asparagus the best way

How to Grow Asparagus from Seeds or Crowns in the UK

You have to be patient to grow asparagus from crowns and even more patient to grow asparagus from seed.  But both are definitely worth the effort.  Read on to discover...
Sarah Talbot
Victorian Bell cloche plant protection from harsh weather and pests

Product Bite: Victorian Bell Cloches - plant protection

Victorian Bell Cloches are garden cloches that cover individual plants and protect them from frost, heavy rain, harsh winds and pests. The cloches have adjustable air vents which offer temperature...
Sarah Talbot
How to grow winter salad, the best way to grow winter salad leaves

A Guide to When to Plant Winter Salads

Many people are surprised to know that you can grow salad in winter very successfully without needing too much space or even a greenhouse. A sheltered spot and a little...
Sarah Talbot
beetroot - the best way to grow beetroot

How to Grow Beetroot - from sowing seeds to harvesting

Growing Beetroot Beetroot are easy to grow and ideal for anyone new to vegetable gardening. Most people think of it as a pickled salad vegetable. The young leaves can be...
Sarah Talbot