Grow At Home
How to Grow Garlic
The first decicion to make is whether to plant hardneck garlic or softneck garlic. Read on to discover the difference and our tips and tricks for planting both types of...
Choosing the Right Rootrainer
What are Rootrainers? Rootrainers are planting cells that have been used by professional growers for decades. Their three main advantages are: Plant roots are Air Pruned resulting in stronger healthier...
October Planting: Fruit and vegetables to grow in October
There’s still plenty to sow and plant out this month even though nights are getting longer, and temperatures are getting lower.
November Planting: Fruit and vegetables to plant in November
Sowing in November will take the pressure off in spring. Getting as much planted as you can in November, will save you time when temperatures rise again. There is another...
January Planting: Fruit and vegetables to plant in January
Discover what fruit and vegetables to plant in your garden in January. Click through for your January planting guide and start sowing those seeds!
All you need to know about Autumn Container Gardening
What are the benefits of planting seeds and bulbs in autumn containers? Growing plants and vegetables in containers or 'container gardening' is ideal way for those who have only small...
The best way to grow Rocket
Rocket or Arugula is expensive in the shops but easy to grow at home. Find out how to grow a steady supply of rocket so you can eat salads all...
May planting: Fruit and vegetables to grow in May
Learn what vegetabes to plant in May. Some will need to be sown indoors and some can be sown directly outside in May. Find out what to plant where ot...
December Planting: Fruit and vegetables to plant in December
Even in the depth of winter it is possible to keep growing and sowing. December is a surprisingly good time to plant vegetables both outside and in. Sowing in...
Pippa Greenwood: What to sow in June in your garden
June is here and both herbs and vegetables are really enjoying the fact that it is feeling like summer may be coming at last. This month I’m excited to be sowing...
May Edition: Grow your Christmas dinner
Since sowing the first of the Christmas vegetable seeds back in April lots of exciting developments should have happened and now plants some can be transplanted outside or to their...
Pippa Greenwood: What to Sow in May in your garden
Find out what gardening expert Pippa Greenwood is sowing and growing in May