Grow At Home
Product Bite: Maxi Rootrainers for planting trees
What are Deep Rootrainers : Rootrainers are innovative planting cells and Maxi Rootrainers are the king of all Rootrainers. They are perfect for growing trees from seeds or cuttings. So,...
Product Bite: StrimGuard to protect young trees
What is StrimGuard :StrimGuard is a unique product that addresses a specific need to protect trees from the age old problem of strimmer damage. It is important to clear long...
Avocados, how to grow a fantastic Avocado tree!
Want to know the best way to grow an avocado tree? This one is for fun! If you are growing your plant from a stone taken from a supermarket avocado...
The Potty Gardener and her Potted Christmas Tree
I am extremely pleased with my potted tree! I can’t wait to bring it inside to be festooned with festive bits and baubles. This potted Christmas tree is on loan...