Grow At Home
Product Bite: Easy Micromesh Tunnels perfect plant protection
What are Easy Micromesh Tunnels: They are the ultimate insect barrier for fruit and vegetables protecting your growing crops from all types of pest without the use of nasty...
Product Bite: Easy Poly Tunnel & Giant Easy Poly Tunnel
What are Easy Poly Tunnels: Easy Poly Tunnels are like a mini Poly Tunnel that help you extend your growing season at both ends. They provide protection from harsh weather, animals...
Product Bites: Easy Fleece Tunnels for winter plant protection
What are Easy Fleece Tunnels: Easy Fleece Tunnels are growing tunnels that warms the air around your plants and protects them from frost and harsh weather. They also:- Lock in...
Product Bites: natural bamboo Tunnel Hoops
What are natural bamboo Tunnel Hoops:Haxnicks Bamboo Tunnel Hoops are sturdy curved bamboo that you can use to create your very own natural looking tunnel cloche. No more unsightly blue...
The Potty Gardener & Easter Bunnies
For me, growing in pots and planters makes it less tempting and trickier for rabbits to nibble at any new plantings and soft growth, but for those of you growing...
4 easy ways to make your vegetable garden flourish during a wet summer
Here in the UK we love our unpredictable weather and a wet summer is part of that. But here is some inspiration for when your plants aren't loving the lower...
Madeleine's Corner: Get the Cloches Out!
October - time to get your cloches out! October is a mix of protection (cloches, tunnels & fleece), harvesting, planting and thinking of Spring. As a result of rapidly cooling...